HELMOT XIX Dec. 7-8, 2022

The Southeast Region and Hampton Roads chapter are sponsoring the HELMOT meeting on December 7-8, 2022. The theme is Vertical Lift Capabilities for Multi-Domain Operations.

The conference will consist of 1.5 days of unclassified, unrestricted presentations held at the Newport News Marriott at City Center, Newport News, Virginia. HELMOT XIX will combine interest in manned and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), vertical/rotorcraft research and development enabling increased warfighter capability.

Topics will focus on how advancement in vertical lift mission technologies will prepare the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security manned rotorcraft and UAS for the future multi-domain operational environment around the world and will include a review of how modernization will transition our current force to the next generation platforms.

US Army DEVCOM Classified Future Battlefield Briefs

US Army DEVCOM AvMC will host the Classified Informational Briefing on the “Future Battlefield Briefs (CFBB) and Air Launched Effects/Autonomous Teams (ALE/A-Team)” on Tues., December 6 and Wed. morning, December 7 at the Jacobs Conference Center, Ft. Eustis, VA. Please download the DEVCOM AvMC Classified Future Battlefield Briefs for all information, including security contact information to request attendance.

HELMOT Program

All meeting activities will take place at the Newport News Marriott at City Center in the Pearl Ballroom: there is plenty of free parking for attendees. The sessions will be a half-day on Wednesday, December 7 and a full-day on Thursday, December 8 -download the full agenda above.

Wed. Dec. 7: 12:00 to 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 4:00 pm: Registration Open
12:00 – 1:30 pm: Light Lunch for Attendees
1:30 – 2:00 pm Keynote Speaker: Multi-Domain Operations, COL Larry Geddings, US Army Futures Command G3, Futures and Concepts Center

1:30 – 5:00 pm: Session 1 – Modernization Updates

Refreshment Break @ 3:00 pm

6:00 pm: Social Networking Opportunity (Venue TBD)
Thurs. Dec. 8: 7:00 to 4:30 pm
7:00 – 8:00 am: Continental Breakfast

8:00 – 11:00 am: Session 2 – Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA)

Refreshment Break @ 9:30

11:00 am – 1:00 pm: Lunch on your own

1:00 – 4:30 pm: Session 3 – Human Machine Interface

Refreshment Break @ 2:30


Exhibit Opportunities

Exhibit space is available for industry and military organizations. Each exhibit will be located in the Pearl Ballroom where the meeting will take place. The cost of 10’x’10 unit is $800 USD – download the HELMOT exhibit contract for more information. If you have questions, please contact David Meyer, Exhibit Chairman, VFS Hampton Roads Chapter.


Please register online, or submit completed registration form (PDF) to VFS HQ. Registration rates apply to Industry, Government/Military and Speakers and include lunch and social on Wednesday, continental breakfast on Thursday, and refreshment breaks. The rates are as follows:

VFS Member: $275 USD
Non-Member: $375 USD (includes 1-year of VFS membership)
VFS Student Member: $75 USD (Non-members must join first)
$50 cancellation fee – no refunds after Nov. 29, 2022

HELMOT Page on the VFS website: https://vtol.org/helmot

2023 VFS HRC Scholarship Application

The Hampton Roads Chapter (HRC) of the Vertical Flight Society International (VFS) sponsors an annual scholarship to recognize and assist high school seniors who wish to pursue a college education leading to a career in STEM related fields such as engineering, physics, mathematics, or computer science.

High school seniors within the Hampton Roads Chapter Area (entire state of Virginia except Washington, D.C. metro area) are encouraged to apply. This includes, but is not limited to:
Chesapeake, Gloucester, Hampton, Isle of Wright, James City County, Matthews, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Poquoson, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, York County. Private and homeschool seniors are also encouraged to apply.

Three scholarships, $1,000 each, will be awarded to qualified recipient(s).

2023 VFS Scholarship Application

2022 TSEF Award Winners Announced

As it has for many years in the past, this year the VFS Hampton Roads Chapter presented multiple special awards at the Tidewater Science & Engineering Fair (TSEF). The Junior Division (Middle School) award winners received $200 for first place, and $100 for second place. The Senior Division (High School) award winners received $250 for first place, and $200 for second place. These awards are given to the students with the best projects supporting “the multidisciplinary fields of vertical flight, traditional rotorcraft platforms disciplines, and related support industries.”  The winners were judged to be the best versed with their work and performed the most unique experiments. Their teachers have also received a $100 award for supporting the STEM community and leading their students to these great achievements. Finally, the Tidewater Science Congress was also gifted $1000 to continue TSEF and help continue it well into the future. 

The Junior Division first place award winner was Nathan Shaw for his work on optical sensor performance under degraded visual environments. The second-place award winner was Gavin Fitzgerald, who investigated the performance effects of linear magnetic actuator arrangement. 

The Senior Division first place award winner was Erin Jones for her work studying the long-term effects of cognitive training. Her work investigated whether mental training tasks could improve cognitive performance in high schoolers. This work could lead to improved training for pilot focus and performance. Second place award winner in the senior division was Jack Shoemaker who investigated machine learning in weather forecasting. 

The awards were presented by the Chapter’s Education Director Dr. James Stephenson.